Garda TrafficWatch - any experience


Registered User
Has anyone any experience of dealing with Trafficwatch.

Was going down the M4 lately and rang them over two cars racing each other. Spent ages on the phone waiting to get to talk to someone (handfree in case you ask). Then the person at the far end of the line asked me for my opinion as to what they should do! It appears to be a very bad service when it could be capable of saving people from injury or death.

Maybe this article from exactly one year ago is pertinent?

[broken link removed]
Well if it is being staffed by Garda personnel, it would make me wonder as to why he didn't know what to do with two cars breaking the speed limit on a motorway. Regardless of whether there are restraints on Garda resources or not, the person on the desk should know the basics of upholding the law of the land.
We rang a few times and wouldn't bother again. We found that thye would forward you to the nearwest Garda station who didn't show any particular interest.

We were travelling up a laneway in Lucan and these clowns came around the corner on the wrong side of the road. Luckily my wife was able to stop our car. The scumbags just laughed and drove off. I rang the Gards and they said they would send someone around when the squadcar was available

We drove around Lucan until we found the car, I rang the gards and in fairness to them they came fairly quickly. The four guys were drinking beside the car and ran when the Gards arrived. The drink was consficated. The Gards told me that they knew who these guys were (settled traveller family) and that they had previous history. They said if I wanted to prosecute I should go to the station and make a statement.

I decided to strike while the iron was hot as our 3 chuldren's lives were put at risk and headed down to the station. Low and behold the gards in Lucan station said they were too busy to take a statement and asked if I could come back on Monday(two days later). By Monday of course I couldn't be arsed!
As a cyclist who isn't prepared to let Dublin's car drivers treat cyclists with contempt, I've found the Garda Trafficwatch line to be more use than going direct to your local station. There used to be problems in getting the call answered, but things have improved over the past year or so. I'm pretty sure the person who answers the phone is not a Garda, but is one of the Dept Justice team in Castlebar. They just record the incident on an Access database and then fax the details to the local station. They do warn you that you'll have to give a statement and possibly appear in court, but I don't see anything wrong with that - it is just reflecting reality.

I guess that the fact that it has been recorded already on a system leads to more formality and accountability. I've had the feeling before that complaints made directly at the local station get filed in the bin once I go out the door. However, they do seem to respond to TW complaints. I've been invited into the station to make a statement. They aren't great at proactive communication of the status of the complaint, but I understand I'll have two cases coming to court over the next few months, once the court dates are confirmed.
I wouldn't hold your breath on those cases ever getting to court. The system is stacked heavily in the acussed favour.
What, you mean that darn presumption of innocence?
All that “It’s better that ten guilty men go free than one innocent man be deprived of his liberty” stuff is just liberal guff, eh?
What, you mean that darn presumption of innocence?
All that “It’s better that ten guilty men go free than one innocent man be deprived of his liberty” stuff is just liberal guff, eh?

Maybe there was a smiley missing? But just in case this is a serious query, you don't get found guilty because I make a report to TW. You might get found guilty after you make your statement to the Garda, the Garda makes a decision to prosecute AND then the judge finds you guilty.
Yes, was missing. I didn't think it was needed