Garda Stop Query


Registered User
I have a question.

Last Friday night I happened to be awake at 1.45am, the raver that I am (insomnia!)

I heard a shrill siren and a blue light filled my room. Looking out the window, it wasnt an alien invasion but a Garda Jeep had pulled over a man I knew from the next village to mine.

They were just getting out of their jeep and walking to his vehicle, he rolled down the window and I could see he was looking for his documents - licence no doubt.

Anyway, to explain a little more, this man drinks and drives most nights. He lives about 4 miles away, and thinks nothing of getting smashed and then heading home. Hes a farmer, and we live in a rural area, he thinks nothing of it.

To me, he always drinks way more than the limit would allow. He drinks pints, and can be in the pub from maybe 10 til closing.

Now, the Gardai didnt seem to breathalise him. He seemed to show his documents and he then proceeded to drive off, with them behind him. I have heard nothing since and so I assume the matter wasnt taken any further.

Now, my question is, do the Gardai breathalise everyone they stop? I have no doubt that he had been drinking - my brother was in the pub and seen him. It was definatly him driving. Surely they would have had the smell of alcohol.

He actually drove out of his way through my estate, rather than going straight home.
i think that there are quite a few rural dwellers who drive to and then from the local pub. some of them will go and drink a couple of pints and then go home. obviously some will drink more.

maybe the gardai had been tipped off about this man and were giving him a warning..
maybe the gardai had been tipped off about this man and were giving him a warning..

Would they give him a warning despite him not being 'bagged'?

True that someone could have tipped them off, its fairly common practise and knowledge out here.
the gardai dont breathlise everyone they smell drink from....thay would usually have to be fairly happy you had too much to slurred speech ect,,

It's sounds like you have an unhealthy interest in this man's social habits, bordering on the obsessive!
If I am correct they can only test if

a) they form the option you have drink
b) if it's a random stop (i.e. a checkpoint authorised by an senior officer)...

Perhaps someone with more legal knowledge than myself could confirm/deny ?
It's sounds like you have an unhealthy interest in this man's social habits, bordering on the obsessive!

Yeah, hes very hunky. Was hoping on getting married to him and then getting land!

Ah no, its just kinda annoying that he's been getting away with it for so long. I work long shifts and arrive home late at night, my way home is passed the pub so I kinda can't avoid seeing him!

Thanks for all replies..
I just read a rather odd article on the front page of the Kerryman.

Apparently, drivers who have been drinking, are being targetted by 'scam artists'. They follow the drink driver out of the pub and stage an accident. They then demand to be paid in cash, or they'll call the guards. It's interesting to note that the drink drivers are made out to be the victims.

Well it's one way of stopping drink-driving!
I first heard of that scam 15 years ago; hasn't stopped drink-driving to date.
At least the scam artists are targeting those who deserve it - i.e. drunk drivers.

It does seem to be common practise for persistent drunk driver to evade detection and persecution. I have been breathalysed at least 5 times in the last 5 years so you would suspect the Garda are doing their job?

But I know for sure several neighbours who are alcoholics and have been driving to and from the pub for as long as I can remember, I cannot for the life of me understand how they evade detection, Maybe the lad stopped outside your house was not just handing over his license and insurance etcJ

If you want a drink, get a taxi, if you cant get a taxi, stay at home with a can. If you want the social element, drive and drink coke.
Maybe the lad stopped outside your house was not just handing over his license and insurance etcJ

I was stopped and brethalised once. That stop took a few minutes while the Garda told me why he was stopping me and asking me to blow into the machine (It was a check point, and no, I wasn't drinking)

The guy that was stopped was only there a minute or so at the most, it really didnt seem like he was breathalised. Plus, its a rural area, word gets round. Nothing has been said about this guy - however, his neighbour was stopped the same night and was caught drink driving, gossipers having a field day but no mention of 'my man'.
how do you know for certin"your man"was over the drink drive limit that night? it seems you are just taking it as a fact!
I don't know for sure, I just know the way he is and the amount he drinks.

I just asked the question, to throw it out and see what other peoples thoughts were. Its widely done where I live, the older people seem to think that drink driving is a way of life.