Garda Favoritisim




Myself and my young son recently moved to a town in the country, as family are living near by. Im renting a apartment which has a shared entrance with a hairdressers. The first week i moved in, broken up wet cardboard kept getting placed infront of my door entrance within the hall which as it was soaking wet carboard, i assumed was taking in from the laneway outside my apartment. This kept happening every day.

I knocked on the hairdressers door and asked if he seen who keeps placing the cardboard there (keeping in mind, myself and him are the only two keep holders for the main door) and straight away i was been accused as been the owner of the cardboard boxes, saying he saw me move in with boxes, so therefore the boxes out in the lane must be mying. I told him, yes he did indeed see me moving in with boxes, all of which i still have as they where proper moving boxes which i purchased for moving. And the boxes that where been left in the hall where boxes for frozen chips and milk, none of which would be strong enough to use for moving. He kept insisting the boxes he found in the lane belonged to me and the conversation escalated to a arguement where he admited he was the one brining the cardboard in off the treet and placing in in front of my door as he asssumed it belonged to me. My son was in the hall with me and was starting to get abit afraid from the shouting so I ended up saying I have just moved in, Im not looking for trouble, I just want to be able to go in and out of my place with out of all this hassle so can we leave it at this. He agreed and I went on in to my apt.

Next day i get a phone call while in work from my estate agent whom Im renting the apartment off that she had a garda in with her about a complaint made against me saying that I had emptied rubish in the entrance of the hall. I explained to her my side of events and she told me to get straight on to the garda to explain my side as a complaint was also sent to my landlord in america by the garda.

I thought this was strange the garda going in and approching my estate agent on behalf of the hairdresser as not once did the Garda contact me to ask my sides of what had happend. Plus a matter of any type of littering is usually down to the council. When I phoned the station to speak with the Garda, I was told he was not on duty. And among speaking to the Garda that was on, he told me that he was suprised the other garda had approached my estate agent as it is not a illegal matter at all.

On speaking to friends that live in the town I have been told the Garda that acted on behalf of the hairdressers is great friends with him.

Now I am having constant problems with the owner of the barber, he keeps blocking my car in to the entrance of the apartment by parking on the clearway. And he refuses to move saying that he is a local living in the town 30years that he has a right to park it where he likes, I had to wait untill he went somewhere to move my car and can no longer even park it outside to even bring in shopping incase i get blocked in.

I have spoke to the estate agent about this who agreed that the behaviour is out of order of the hairdresser and was advised to take photos,and record dates and time. I contacted the council who told me they have no bye laws themselfs in place for parking and the clearway box should be enforced my the Garda as it must remain clear for not only access but for fire health and saftey reasons.

I have reported this to the garda in the town who has been very rude to me. I have shown the photos as proof and Still the car night and day gets parked on the clearway and nothing has been done to stop him parking there.

Does anyone know what other steps i can take. I have a deliverly of a wardrobe coming soon, and will dout the delivery drivers will be impressed if i tell them they have to carry the wardrobe from the town rather than them simply been able to park outside my apartment and bring it in due to the entrance been blocked.
Get your local politicos involved, or write a registered letter to the cop-shop copying in local Gardai superintendents. You could state that you will be attending the superintendents station in person until there is some satisfactory outcome.
Mmmmm a letter to the Superintendent and copy to the Chief of the Division you are in and mention the Garda Ombudsman will almost certainly get a def investigation!!!!