Garda Checking Car Tax in Car Park


Registered User
I saw a young Garda taking details of car tax etc and booking someone in a shopping centre car park when they were away shopping.
Apart from being a bit sneaky, is this not private property? Can he do this?
it's not a private property and i see nothing sneaky about it - it's every car owner's duty to have their car taxed, insured and ncted so why shouldn't garda check it?
it's not a private property and i see nothing sneaky about it - it's every car owner's duty to have their car taxed, insured and ncted so why shouldn't garda check it?

+1 Garda just doing his job,
I saw young Garda taking details of car tax etc and booking someone in a shopping centre car park when thay were away shopping. Apart from being a bit sneaky, is this not private property? Can he do this?

To clarify what the others have said, the road traffic acts define a public road as any road owned by the state (NRA or local authority) and any other road or space which the public can access without special permission or access. Gated housing estates are about the only road space that are not covered by the RTAs.

On the upside, I guess it's better that they check cars that are already parked instead of using a checkpoint which will cause delays.
Good work by the Garda. I'd like to see the Gardai doing random breathyliser testing in pub car parks after closing time. Some of us leave our cars at home, but, others continue to dodge the law.
Any moment now the "shooting fish in a barrel" brigade will be along.....

If the "fish are in the barrel" they deserve to be shot

Problem with Gardai in pub carparks is, if you see them there your going to walk past your car instead of getting into it and driving straight into a checkpoint.
+1 Garda just doing his job,

????? Is it a Garda's duty to collect revenue for the state?

Gardaí Síochána- Guardians of the Peace!! hmmmmm

Is there a breach of the peace if tax goes unpaid?
Problem with Gardai in pub carparks is, if you see them there your going to walk past your car instead of getting into it and driving straight into a checkpoint.

Is that not a good thing? Unless you mean they will go back for the car
????? Is it a Garda's duty to collect revenue for the state?

Gardaí Síochána- Guardians of the Peace!! hmmmmm

Is there a breach of the peace if tax goes unpaid?

No, but there is a law broken.

Since when have they been known as the Guardians of Peace?
Yea but they are the police and they are there to uphold the law. Not taxing your car is illegal.
such a valuable use of resources when some little old lady is probably up the street being mugged by a druggie...
such a valuable use of resources when some little old lady is probably up the street being mugged by a druggie...

Ah would ya give that one a rest please. If someone wants to drive a car on a public road without tax, the Gardai are doing their job in cracking down on this.
Personally I think car tax should be abolished!

After watching Prime Time last night and the fact that the Guards wouldn't put someone forward to contribute regarding trackling child "grooming" on the internet, I also think it is a waste of police time.

The Gardaí didnt put someone forward because this is a matter for the Minister for Justice to comment on and not for the Gardaí.