Garda Billboard campaign


Registered User
What do people think of the new Gardai Billboard campaign?

It says "Gardai face injuries in the line of duty. They do not deserve pay cuts." And it has pictures of the faces of two injured Guards.

I think it looks very amatuerish. Will the nurses or firemen pull similar stunts and show the injuries they get from drunken idiots?

My boyfriend is a Guard who has received abuse in the past and he doesn't agree with it at all and thinks it looks very poorly thought out.

Any thoughts?
Any thoughts?


Re: What a public pension! Garda pension worth €1.1m, Link to Irish Independent

As part of their 'protest' at the pension levy, it has been announced that a poster campaign is underway, illustrating the dangers of the job and showing photos of gardaí bearing the injuries of serious assaults suffered whilst on duty.

Now I don't think anyone would argue that it isn't a dangerous job but this is now a form of 'protest'?? Looking for sympathy??

If you are going to object, do so logically and with argument/reason.

This is a disgrace - it's just cynical, amateurish and manipulative.

What's next - a poster of a teacher crying and pulling their hair out whilst surrounded by cartoonish 'evil' children?
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A rather cynical attack on peoples sensibilities. They join the force. They should have done the homework. A and E on a Friday night is a reality. Likewise Firemen, Electricians, Bus Drivers, Ambulance Drivers, Door Security Staff, Carers/Social Workers and many more. If they don't like it they should walk - as other people do when they find that they are not cut out for their jobs. As for the 'blue flu', for people who claim to be honest and incorruptable - this is downright dishonesty. C'mon cops, give us a break. You've only got to wait at the customs check at Dublin Airport to see their type of bullying behaviour. So much for helping the public!
It's a sad reflection of our world that there are lots of jobs in which someone can be injured in the course of their work. I don't dispute that the Guards do a difficult job in trying circumstances, however the same applies to lots of other people. What's next, bankers saying "please be nice to us because we could be kidnapped",?
Will the construction workers be next to show pictures of building site accidents ?
What a crock.
Every profession has it's hazards.

Totally agree. Do the Gardai want our sympathy?! They knew what they were getting into when they joined the force, same as everyone in employment knows the hazards and dangers of their jobs.