Garage forgot to replace oil after service - engine "seized"

Plek Trum

Registered User
Hi all,
look for opinions and advice please. My sister had her car serviced at a local garage last Wednesday. Oil, fiters, tracking and balancing, brake pads etc - the usual really. It was the first time she has taken her car here as it was convenient to her work.

She drove 70 - 80 miles to an appointment yesterday evening, 24 hours after collecting the car, when she came out and tried to drive the car it stopped completely at a city junction and wouldnt move. Rang Gardai who were very helpful, sent a local tow truck and mechanic. After inspection, the mechanic said there "wasn't a single drop of oil" in the car and the engine has now sezied completely.

The car was kept in a secure compound last night (150euro) and will be put on a truck and sent back to the local garage today (approx. 80 mile one way trip) - with payment due. Her boyfriend drove to collect her last night (160 miles round trip!)

Contacted garage today, the mechanic said he'll do an assessment on the car when it arrives in. My questions are:

1) What is the actual potential damage - will the engine be completely ruined and a new one required?
2) Does she have to accept his offer to repair the car (if he does this) OR can she insist the work be carried out by the main dealers where she bought it with proper quality parts.
3) Can she ask for a refund on the service he did (160 euro) because of all the hassle and massive inconvenience.
4) Should he cover all the bills - compound bill, delivery charge.

My sister is very reluctant to have him do the repairs as she has completely lost faith in him. She only paid for her car in full 4 weeks ago and it was in absolutely perfect condition before all this - She drives approx. 6 miles a day to her work in total!

Opinions appreciated as always, thanks.
Oh - just to add - there was oil in car before she took it for the service (my Dad insists on checking all our cars when we call home!) It seems that they drained the oil to replace the filters etc and never refilled it...
1) Yes - The engine ancilliaries (cooling, sensors, injection system, electrics & electronics, etc.) should be OK, but the engine block and cylinder-head part will need replacing
2) I can't see how this can be justified. As the original service was not done at a main dealers I can't see how she can not insist on switching
3) I would think so, but this will be a tiny part of the overall cost.
4) Yes

Before you return the car to the garage, have a thorough inspection carried out and documented by an automotive engineer.

Was the sump-plug replaced after draining the oil or did the oil leak out past it? It is not possible to switch on the ignition, start and drive a modern car with no oil in the engine and not get both audible and visual warnings of the fact. If these were working, did they go off and were they ignored?
I should also have mentioned -

Was the oil filter in place and tightened?
Was the sump damaged or leaking?
Thanks Mathepac..
I have no idea about the sump plug etc - it was sent it without any complaints, lights on, problems, other than was due a service. I know for a fact there there were no warning lights etc (my sister and my mum are very cautious drivers and cant stand even the slightest rattle in a car, never mind a flishing warning light!) It was when they tried to drive off after the appointment that the car started to 'knock' and quit out.

No time to get the car checked by an automotive engineer, its arriving at the garage this lunchtime.

Do you think she really couldn't ask to have the repairs carried out elsewhere (she bought it from the main dealership in our county). At least she would know she is getting legit and quality parts rather than possible reconditioned parts with the small local guy. Is it a bit unreasonable to inisist that he pay for this?

What do you think the costs could be? Its a 05 Peugeot 307 - her first car, what an experience..
... No time to get the car checked by an automotive engineer, its arriving at the garage this lunchtime ...
Unfortunately your sister finds herself in a situation where there may be some dispute over who did (or didn't) do what and when and whose responsibility it is to rectify the consequential damage. Without expert technical opinion it may wind up being an expensive Mexican stand-off.

The other thing your sister will need is a temporary replacement car while hers is off the road.
The car should be brought to an independent garage for assessment- under no circumstances should it be brought back to the garage which may have caused the problem first.
Bernard Kelly (CarcheckIreland) also acts in situations like this I believe. Worth a call maybe. Think his number is 1850 909090.