Galway Wedding: The Elastic Band or Discovery


Registered User

My girlfriend and I are in the middle of trying to organise our wedding. We obviously want to make sure it's as enjoyable as we can make it for everyone. So, the band is pretty important. We've been in contact with a LOT of bands around Galway (mainly from the lists we were given at the various hotels we visited). Most of the bands are unavailable on our date, so it has come down to two: The Elastic Band or Discovery.

So, I just want to know if anyone on here has seen either (or both) at a wedding? If you have, we'd be very interested in your honest opinions.


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Hi RonanL,
I'm sorry, but this post is of no use to you atall.

Just posting to say that I can't believe the Elastic Band are still on the go. When I was a student 20ish years ago they used to play downstairs in The Cellar, which at that time was a bar and a great student hangout. They were brilliant then, don't know how they'd be today, but I have very happy memories of big pints of Guinness and The Elastic Band.

I wish you many years of happiness.
Thanks for the reply Bluebells. I think we have a case of mistaken identity - the "new" elastic band are made up of 4 20something guys.

Funny you mention the old cellar - that's where my bride to be and I had our first date!

Thanks again for the reply. We're going to try and go and see both bands in action over the next couple of weekends, so we'll have to make our minds up based on the performances. I was just putting it out there....
Hi there,

Not sure if this will be any help but was on the same mission to find a band. I did see the Elastic Band in the Warwick and they are definately the new version of the band your talking about and they are good. Never saw Discovery so cant comment on them though, sorry. Saw another local band in Quays over Xmas when we went to see Weightless Astranouts. They were not there but a different band called Oddity were playing. Unusual cause there was female singer but they were really good too and my fella with me said he saw them in Warwick before and had great night so thankfully thats one less thing for us to worry about. Hope that helps a bit.

Good luck with Wedding plans...
