Galway Water


Registered User
People of Galway...what are ye doing about the water situation? If this was in France there'd be riots on the streets....we're talking about a basic need here. Before the election was a super time to vent your should have all boycotted the election!!
One of the basic human rights - to be fed and to have access to safe drinking water is not provided by the county's rulers - be that Galway Co. Co or the government. What do the people do? Re-elect the same shower that was in control of the situation. Galwegians had a real reason to vote for the Green candidate but choose instead to vote for Mr. O'Cuiv and Frank Fahy - god help us!. I am not normally a green supporter but if ever one should have been voted for this was the occasion (Having said that he let the party down with some outrageous ideas on taxation!).Galway people got what they deserved. They voted for them 5 years ago and they voted for the same ones again even after their incompetence and lack of care was totally evident. This is then compounded when the cabinet is announced. Anyone West of the Shannon voting for the government are either receiving compensation in kind, still thinks the civil war is on or need their heads examined. Anyway fast forward to the Fianna Fail tent at the Races. Property developers, pseudo republicans and not a blue shirt in sight. Drinking Heinekin, Ballygowan and G&Ts. Be carefull with the ice lads!.
They're just too far from the Dail. If it happened in Dublin, we'd all be down in Kildare St protesting. Do you think they may be writing letters to their TDs or protesting very genteely in quiet voices in Taylors Hill?
People of Galway...what are ye doing about the water situation? If this was in France there'd be riots on the streets....we're talking about a basic need here. Before the election was a super time to vent your should have all boycotted the election!!

I live 9 miles outside Galway and the water is fine. I work in the city and my company provides 5l containers of water every day. As such I haven't really noticed the problem.

I know a lot of the people who live in the 'bad' water areas are starting to drink the water again. Risky I'll agree but the fear factor seems to be gone now. I think it became such a big issue this year because of the huge flooding in winter - Lough Corrib rose to levels never seen before, thus getting access to pollutants and septic tanks out of reach before.

To be honest, I get the impression that water quality nationwide is getting poorer by the year but Galway is being used as a way to highlight this. The people in Ennis have very bad water for years.

My biggest concern is the approach to the problem. The solution seems to be building bigger and better treatment plants. I think the focus should be on improving the quality of the water source e.g. Lough Corrib - it would be a shame to let one of the finest lakes in Europe deteriorate even further.