Galway drinking water.


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Didn't take much notice initially, but now starting to get a bit worried about the implications of the cryptosporidium bug which has been found in Galway's drinking water supply.

Annoyed at it becoming a tit-for-tat political football and more so for the non-highlighting of a 1992 incident in the US. 100 dead and 20% of local population affected with illness.

Guess the Galway races tent will stick to bottled water again this year .
should get a few cheap deals there for the summer if it keeps up - BYOB!
Dick Roche never apologised to the farmers as he blamed them for polluting the water supply. Dick you made an idiot of yourself again next time think before you jump to conclusions. For anyone that doesn't know the council caused the pollution.
If so, who is getting sacked?

Given this is the public sector - surely you mean moved sideways or diagionally upwards? Or early retirement on full (or near full) pension?
was listening to some expert talking about it on radio during the week. He said evidence in the past has proved that 90% of the time the infection is caused by slurry and farm waste. He also said the treatment plant in Galway was outdated and this has been known about for years. My godchild aged 10 months has the bug she is pretty sick.(She lives in Headford)
should get a few cheap deals there for the summer if it keeps up - BYOB!

Dont know about cheap deals, I am just back from a weekend there and the there was no hotels trying to flog rooms off on the cheap, in fact it was as busy as ever.
booked a room there two weeks ago. 4*. when we went to check in the hotel admitted there was a mistake and were full. lunch on the hotel and upgraded to Glenlo Abbey . on Saturday went for a walk to Salthill by coast road while OH went shopping. most b/b's and hotels had no vacancy signs up. Plenty of 'free' bottled water in the hotel and bathroom. still very hard to remember not to run the tap on your toothbrush though when you are actually finished brushing your teeth. OH had a bath as she thought showering was too 'risky' . Cant see any cheapies as a result but hotels in general have never been better value.
At a guess, a shower might involve an increased risk by inhaling the pathogen in the shower spray?
The source has still not been determined.
If you read the papers and listened to the RTE news you would have heard that the pollution was caused by human waste and not from farmyard slurry.
Well from the very start of this the spin was that it was mainly farm related.

I do not know enough about the virus, however from what i have read it can originate from both animal and human waste. If it can originate from either then why are they saying it is more likely from animal waste. I think there is spinning going on here.

My suspicion is that it has originated from badly functioning sewage works, combined with the flooding that happened during the winter washing big quantities into the lake. Agricultural production has been dropping for the last 10 years. Also farmers have been installing much better slurry storage and pollution control and are being inspected. The big increases in waste have come from urban development in the last 10 years not agriculture.
If you read the papers and listened to the RTE news you would have heard that the pollution was caused by human waste and not from farmyard slurry.

Hi Johnny1,

Can you point to a link on RTE or the print media where it states that the cause of the cryptosporidium outbreak in Galway has been determined?

I was listening to the car radio on my way back from Waterford this afternoon, alternating between RTE 1 and Newstalk, can't remember which one but I think it was RTE said that the outbreak was related to human source. Sorry I can't be more specific, but definitely they said human source.
Much of what I have heard and read over the last few weeks (concerning the source of the crypto) has been speculation.

Any time I have heard the HSE spokeswoman she has been at pains to point out that the source of the outbreak has not been determined.

Naaah, if it's on RTE it must be true. They should get Charlie Bird down there, he'd get to the bottom of it
Charlie Bird ..... he'd get to the bottom of it

Even if the source is narrowed down as between aninmal or human there is still a lot of work to be done before the precise source can be tracked down.

Even if the source is narrowed down as between aninmal or human there is still a lot of work to be done before the precise source can be tracked down.
You should have looked at the news on RTE 1 at 9 this evening then you would know for sure that it was human waste if that doesn't convince you then you must be from mars also there is no problem tracking the source down as it can be traced for 15 miles.