Future payments by Direct debit?


Registered User
I have paid a lump sum for previous years class 2 as instructed by HMRC. In future I would like to pay by yearly direct debit to save hassle but am being directed to complete the CF83 all over again along with bank details.
Is this correct please?
My understanding is the direct debit option is only open to UK residents with a UK bank account.

Do you fit that description? (I'd like to be wrong btw)
No I reside in Ireland and no UK bank account. Shame it cant be done that way.
I think this is something you are going to have to do manually each year by some method or other, direct debit across currencies usually not an option. Sterling draft might be hard come by and costly plus I'd imagine a nuisance on the other side to lodge and clear, can you do international bank transfer?

Have to stick it in the diary I'm afraid!
You could also considering doing a transfer once every four years to reduce the frequency of transfers (lump the three previous years in together with the current year), i.e. do a payment in 2028; 2032 etc.
Is this allowed as had not read that? I presume you would have to call and inform them?
considering doing a transfer once every four years
I wouldn't personally recommend this.

HMRC will send you an annual reminder; if the NIC is unpaid for more than one year there's a chance that they may believe you are no longer paying NICs & just stop the reminders.

Its easier to stay in the system than go through the hoops to rejoin.
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You could also considering doing a transfer once every four years to reduce the frequency of transfers
I recently got the letter inviting me to pay 2023/2024 (I've already paid for 2016 to 2022). The letter stated that if I left it more than two years to pay then they would assume I was no longer interested and they would stop sending out reminders.

So I would definitely recommend paying on annually.
You can't set up a DD from an Irish bank account to a UK one to the best of my knowledge. Personally, I just do mine via a transfer in my banking app annually when I get the letter reminding me, takes 30 seconds.