Health Insurance Future Health Insurance Costs?


Registered User
Hi Folks, just doing a bit of forward planning with regards my financial needs when I retire. I am 55 now and with my wife we are paying €2260 for health insurance ( Laya "signify") . Looking at some of the posts from our older members I see premiums of €4400 for one couple in their 70's, I remember my late father, who was in his 80's complaining that his premium in 2020 was €5,500 (for a couple). Anyone got any suggestions as to what % increases to apply for future projections? My experience with health insurance over the past 20 years, has seen me strip out previous policies to lighten the load, but I see this as being a huge cost to consider in retirement.
Anyone got any suggestions as to what % increases to apply for future projections?

As the health insurance increases have been erratic over the past two years, 3 for example this year, then this type of exercise seems impossible.

People have mentioned in the past, that they feel that refunds from health insurers during Covid, may be partly to blame, for so many increases. Waiting lists were building at that time, so when Covid ended, and catch-up began, expenditure got higher.