Fussy Eaters

I dont understand this - its a massive generalisation. You cant possibly have tried every single chinese food dish?

Of course not, but why would you keep trying something you don't like to begin with when there are other choices?

I prefer Indian as a take away and like Italian and French type food to eat out.

I also don't like Soy sauce, noddles or stir frys so think I'm being fairly consistent.
Of course not, but why would you keep trying something you don't like to begin with when there are other choices?

For precisely the reason you mentioned in your other post - cos I dont want to miss lunches/nights out that are in chinese restaurants.
Its the MSG no doubt.

I'm sure it is. As it happens there is a Chinese near me that claims not to use it at all - so I'll maybe try it to see if I like it any better.

Re fussy eaters generally - I would differentiate between the restaurant fussiness and the dinner guest fussiness - the latter being FAR worse IMO.

I just let them get on with, if they are happy with beans and chips then let them off, I just go ahead and eat what I want to eat! What does annoy me, is my sister in law who won't eat dinner outside her own house but will come along for the 'meal' and sit there for the whole time drinking a coca cola. Too afraid she'd miss something if she didn't go out and too feckin tight to pay for dinner!

Id be interested to know the results of the MSG free place - I always wonder about the difference but have never tried one of those places.
I have to say though if people are going out and paying for a meal, then really they should order what they want, the way the want it.

Keep that thought in mind the next time you are in a restaurant and the food seems to be taking ages to come to the table....!!

Actually that reminds me of something else that I don't understand - people who are invited to someone's house for dinner and announce,when they get there, that they had dinner earlier so won't really eat much. After the hostess has gone to loads of trouble shopping, cooking and preparing food and it was made perfectly clear that dinner would be provided.

Is it not worse when you arrive starving and theres only a bowl of hunky dorys doing the rounds?

Yep. Incredibly rude. That has happened to us before - twice that I can think of. They were never invited back.
Is it not worse when you arrive starving and theres only a bowl of hunky dorys doing the rounds?

Well, depends if you're the host or the guest! I also hate getting a vague invitation where I'm not sure if a meal is included and I'm afraid if I turn up with wine I'll embarrass the person who invited me if she just meant a cup of coffee and some biscuits, and if I turn up without wine there'll be a three course meal awaiting me.

ALWAYS turn up with the wine - but leave it hidden in a giant handbag, that way if it turns out it wasnt a wine evening but should have been you can excuse yourself to the loo and guzzle it from the neck to brighten the evening

*note - this means you need to carry an emergency bottle opener, unless youre clever and bring a screw top bottle*

Or just keep rooting around in my big handbag for things, emerging each time with flushed cheeks and wine stained lips. I'm sure no one will notice.
One of the few episodes of Sex And the City that I actually enjoyed was when Carrie faked an allergy to parsley to 'encourage' the waiter not to give her any, and her boyfriend at the time called her on it, making it clear to everyone that she wasn't allergic, she just didn't like it.
As a Migraine sufferer I think I have the right to enquire or refuse food. Often there is cream in soup or sauces, there is no indication of what they contain or is hidden in the recipe, a lot of menu’s use cheese. Any of these can put me out of action for a day.
Is it not worse when you arrive starving and theres only a bowl of hunky dorys doing the rounds?

Myself and my friend got invited to another girls house one evening. She told us she had done a raid on her freezer and had tonnes she wanted to cook and eat.

We got 2 chiccken wings, a few cocktail sausgages and a bowl of chips (chips were for sharing).

Both of us ended up in the chipper afterwards remarkig that her freezer must have be tiny.