Further submission to planning authorities


Registered User
Is it possible to object/make a submission twice for the same development? My husband and I objected to an application but would like to add to our objection with some further information - is this possible? I've no problem paying a second €20 but just wondereing will they disregard it - if they will, I will get someone else to put in the info in their name but I would prefer if we could do it ourselves.
Also, does anyone know what the impact of something being a protected structure is? Is it impossible to get permission or just very very difficult?
I can't see a problem with you resubmitting another observation in your name - just state clearly that you wish to add some additional comments that you left out of your previous submission. There is nothing to prevent you from doing this and the planning authority will not disregard it as long as it is made within the 5 week period allowed for objections.

Regaring protected structures - it all depends on its current state and use and what development is proposed. You don't give any information on this?
Once you are still within the 5 week period for making submissions then there is no issue with making a second submission.

You will also get a second chance to have your submission/observation read at the Board, should the planning permission be granted, and you appeal it- as you can put this additional information in your grounds of appeal.