Furniture "feet" floor protectors


Registered User
We have old wooden floor boards in most of our house, which means there is a space between each board. The normal felt floor protectors that you place on the bottom of furniture are useless as the ridge/gaps pull them off - they last less than a week. We did find a very unelegant solution of round rubber "shoes" for our square dining room chairs which works well, but can't find anything big enough for sofa and armchairs.

Can anyone recommend anything that doesn't come off so easily that would protect the floor?

Cut off some carpet you might have around the house or get a sample of a shop, cut neatly and use super glue 3 works great
Good advive, Dodo. I use carpet tiles which come equipped with glue at the back. One tile for 50 cents (the thinnest and toughest for office purposes, in black, grey or anthracit) will do for all your chairs and tables.
Can I ask another related question - whats good for taking off the old sticky glue from the felt floor protectors - I've tried elbow grease and jif to no avail - is there something else I should try?

The cheapest method is a realy sharp kitchen knife, but organic solvents would do the trick as well. Try diesel or petrol, if these don't help then try paint thinner/brush cleaner. Or contact the manufacturer of the floor protectors.
Use all chemicals sparingly (to avoid colateral demages) and stick to the user's manual like proper ventilation and gloves etc..