funny work practices

I worked in an office where many sales reps said that the most important item they had for entertaining clients was a sellotape dispenser. Apparently, they would use the jagged edge to cut the times off the bottom of receipts.
Ended up in a hotel bar at 2am buying drink for a client and afraid to hand in the receipt? No problem, just remove the time from the bottom and hand it in.

Seriously, one guy actually told me that it looked far more authentic than a scissors as it gave a serrated edge. He was quite proud of this.
I expect the sales manager (who most likely did the same when a sales rep) turned a blind eye as long as the business was written and the clients were happy.
A bit slow today. Only just got it. Very good
a bit of a work game here also...

anyone play bulls*** ? a number of business terms in a square. I used to print them off and during a meeting, pretend to make notes of what was discussed but secretly crossing off what was said.
a bit of a work game here also...

anyone play bulls*** ? a number of business terms in a square. I used to print them off and during a meeting, pretend to make notes of what was discussed but secretly crossing off what was said.

Haha nice Pete.. Did you ever stand up and yell you know what though?!
I wish Paddy, I was too busy laughing to myself !! Wouldn't it be great though, to stand bolt upright and say "lets get all the ducks in a row" or "the total cost of ownership is exorbitant"...great days those.
Did the Manager call their boss Governor and all the frontline staff Yellow Pack?

No, though there was a surfeit of deference whenever a senior manager, or above, came to visit.

A few months after getting a transfer, I met him in Dublin and greeted him by his first name. I felt so daring !!!