Funding for a website


Registered User
hope this is right place.

Discussing an idea with a friend over the weekend for a web based business that generates click-through revenue, we're both in IT a long time and are ok with whats involved technically.

we can build templates to demo the idea but know there would be significant development required for the main site if we pressed ahead that would be outside of our skillset so will need to engage web building company/person. Other usual startup commerical factors to be considered, advertising etc.

So question is are there investors or banks who specialise in this area so we can get an idea to see whats involved with getting finance?
You should start by talking to Enterprise Ireland or your local county Enterprise board. They can provide you with guidance and perhaps funding. I know of people who have started up web based business lately with funding from these sources..
is a network that links up investors with entrepreneurs. I think that they have a meeting or presentation about once a month.