funderland -- grrr


Registered User
So I paid my 2 euro, got 3 corks, loaded the weapon, took careful aim by lining up the end of the barrel with the tennis ball sitting on the bottle, with my 2 daughters hoping I can win them an ickle teddy by knocking the ball off the bottle. So despite me thinking the barrel is lined up (After years of firearms training), the cork goes about 12 inches over, second shot, a bit of recalibration leaves me about 2 inches over.
So Im frustrated, but I know the shifty (good looking mind you) carny stall minder isnt to be trusted to have her weapons finely tuned (ahem). Last shot, I aimed at about 4 inches below the bottle, I pull the trigger more in hope then certainty, the cork leaves the barrell... EUREKA!!!! the cork smacks the epicentre of the tennis ball with the full force of whatever calibre the weapon was. The ball lifted a centimetre or so off the top of the bottle where it was resting, and then, to my utter dismay, it settles back on to the bottle leaving the kids teddyless and me 2 euro less in me funderland kitty.
What a ripoff. Thats the last 2e that carny stall minder will ever get from me, Im going straight to the "throw the ball in the churn" stall next year.
What a ripoff. Thats the last 2e that carny stall minder will ever get from me, Im going straight to the "throw the ball in the churn" stall next year.
Bet you said that last year, too?

The "throw the ball in the churn/hoop over the box" trick has been around even longer...
The most frustrating arcades/amusement happened me once in the u.k.
Was playing a type of one arm bandit with real coins and was winning a lot of tokens which we could later redeem at the counter.
After half an hour i was well up maybe about 50 quid in tokens so decided to redeem....but was told that i`d have to "redeem" the tokens in another machine.I must have put 500 tokens into that machine ..not one win.Well i guess it was a cheap lesson
Ah lads. Please. Is there a policy of deliberately misinterpreting ClubMans tongue in cheek posts here or what? Because now it's getting annoying.