Fund allocation in semi-state DC pension


Registered User
Friend has asked for advice about his pension.
Married man, age 45 approx, with three children, working for a semi-state.
I think his wife is a SAHP.
  • It is a DC scheme, current fund value after approx 20 years is 368.5k.
  • Death-in-service lump-sum benefit is 377k
  • Main query is about fund allocation
  • Current allocation is taken from employer website interface
    • 66% equities
    • 28% bonds
    • 4% other
    • 1% property
    • 1% cash
  • He chooses to self-manage, I presume there also is a default allocation
  • I presume most AAM people would say to go for 100% equities for somebody aged 45?
  • The funds are as follows:
    • Passive Equity Fund (SIF), risk 5 = 27%
    • Passive Growth Fund (PCA), risk 4 = 26%
    • ILIM Active Growth Fund (RTM), risk 4 = 26%
    • Annuity Bond Fund (PL11), risk 4 = 21%

The ILIM website doesn't have fact sheets for these funds??

I welcome any comments.
Personally I would definitely opt for higher risk/volatility/return funds at that age.
Being almost one third in bonds/cash makes no sense to me.

What are the charges like?
Are the management charges different for different funds?
Maybe moot if there's no other option here?
E.g. cheaper PRSA for AVCs?
What are the percentages after the funds?
The respective allocations of his 66% in equities?
Is that the full list of fund options available?
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