Full-Time Mothers: Does this mean that women who work are only part-time mothers?

Re: Full-Time Mothers

I know of parents who are working full time ,and if they have a day off,a half day etc they will still leave the child into the creche and collect them at 3 minutes to six!

I just don't get this at all and find it pretty sad.
Originally Posted by thedaras http://www.askaboutmoney.com/showthread.php?p=1001615#post1001615
I know of parents who are working full time ,and if they have a day off,a half day etc they will still leave the child into the creche and collect them at 3 minutes to six!

I just don't get this at all and find it pretty sad. <<

Maybe they are spending the day doing the housework/shopping so that they are free to spend time and go out etc with the family over the weekend?