Motor Full No Claims Bonus Protection

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My car insuracne is up for renewal soon
I phoning around for quotes and gettng quotes with and without Full No Claim Bonus Protection Cover

Can you explain to me please the specifics of what i actually get/am covered for/quality for with Full No Claims Bonus Protection as opposed to Step Back Bonus Protection or No Claims Discount Up to x%.

What are the differences between these?

What am i losing by not have Full No Claims Bonus Protection

Im asking the people on the line giving me the quotes but i dont get what they are saying - to me with some of them it looks lile Full NCB protection and step back are same and doesnt seem to be differences - but i probably missing something or not understanding right here

Thanks in advance
Hi newseeker, the are actually the same thing it's just some companies will call it by one name or the other. What you get out of it is, if you have a claim your NCB won't be reduced afterwards but will be if you have a second claim in the same year. Also with some companies there may still be a slight increase to the premium at renewal even if your NCB is protected. That's not to say this is the same for all companies so you should ask when you are getting the quote.

Hope this helps. Bear
Also bear in mind that the meaning of full NCD protection may vary between insurers.There is no single meaning to this term across the industry. For example, protection may apply up to a certain claims amount limit (ie €5000), or type of claim, or number of claims in a certain period. And some insurers apply a "step back" ncd if their particular criteria is exceeded. For example, from 50% to 20 or 30% or whatever or alternatively you may lose the full NCD. Regarding type of claims, some insurers allow full NCD protection regarding fire or theft claims regardless of number and amounts of claims where fault is not generally an issue. However, its worth bearing in mind that insurers may view a large number of claims as a reason to apply special terms at the next renewal. Similar to house insurers exlcuding water damage when there is potentially a future higher risk of claims. In short, there is no completely clear distinction that applies across the board, and you should establish the terms applicable to full NCD protection. Insurers use this feature as a selling point, and I'm not saying they are wrong to do this, but you do need to know what they mean by it.
As a bye the bye and sorry to correct you Ebear, but full NCD protection and step back NCD are NOT the same thing. Generally a step -back entails an automatic reduction in NCD if a claim occurs that affects the NCD. For some insurers not all claims are considered to affect NCD at all. For example as fire, theft or glass breakage claims with AXA. Claims that generally ( if not universally) affect the NCD automatically are third party claims when the insured (ie you!) is deemed to be at fault or where there is an accidental damage claim (excluding glass breakage) such as reversing into a pole. What distinguishes these claims is that there is fault on the part of the insured. In these cases the NCD protection and/or step back will apply. But the terms of these, as already mentioned in my previous post will vary depending on differeent insurers. The question for the OP ultimately to decide on is whether the add'l cost of NCD protection is worth paying and what terms apply to different quotes. This is a somewhat complex area of motor insurance, but I hope this makes it a bit clearer.
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