Motor Full NCD Protection Cover


Registered User
I have my car insurance policy with same provider for long number of years (I do shop around each year at renewal time to see if can get better deal elsewhere). Its comprehensive cover i have

As i have been with them for years, one of the 'optional' benefits on my policy, which they no longer offer to customers (but i get as i with them so long) is a thing called 'FULL NCD PROTECTION COVER'

What this cover means is that regardless of the number of claims i have, they claims wont have any impact on my NCB

Its different from Full Bonus protection; most policies offer in sense that whereby they allow you to have 1-2 unlimited claims in a 1/2/3 year period without affecting your NCB and applying step back on your NCB, this FULL NCD PROTECTION COVER' option i have means that regardless or number of claims or their cost, i will never lose my NCB that i have built up (which is at the max as i have been driving for donkey years)

I've got my renewal notice other day for my insurance from my existing provider. My premium they quoting me has jumped quite a bit

They have told me i can drop the optional FULL NCD PROTECTION COVER' option from my poilcy and this will reduce the cost, as it an optional extra. Its listed as about 90 euro of a cost on the premium

Other providers i have called are offering cheaper quotes that are offering full bonus protection but their full bonus protection is that you can have 1-2 accident in say a 1/2/3 year period of unlimited value without affecting your NCB and then another claim after that will cause step back on NCB to kick in applying various step back levels depending on the provider. No other provider is offering this FULL NCD PROTECTION COVER' under the terms that my current provider is offering

I guess my question is is this FULL NCD PROTECTION COVER' option of any real value to me or is it a golden handcuff they using just to keep me renewing with them and it not worth the paper it written on.

Im thinking that if i was to have accident or 2 over next year and they pay out and say my NCB is not impacted (still remains fully protection and no loss or step back applied), when my renewal comes next year wont I just see my premium just getting loaded anyway because of these accidents and go up and that this FULL NCD PROTECTION COVER' option isnt worth paper it written on and i should drop it and/or move to another provider

What do others think?
I woudnt pay more for it. Not all insurance companies accepted a full no claims bonus from another insurer if a claim has happened. They will just apply their own criteria.
Sounds like an AXA policy which we have. It's designed to keep you as a customer, and in fairness, it has worked.
It depends on the value of the car you have, unless it's a nice motor and worth a few bob, I would pay the extra for piece of mind. Your premium will only go up with normal inflation and they can't load you with sneaky increases. You couldn't buy a policy like that now and as you say, they don't offer it to long standing customers any more as far as I'm aware. As the above post says, if you make a claim on your full ncd cover, it's treated as a normal claim with another insurance company and a penalty will apply.
How many accidents can one have in a period of time!!?? You would want to be EXCEPTIONALLY unlucky to have more than three accidents in a short period of time so I think you are concerned about nothing really. Personally I go for the protected NCB with step-back.
All insurance policies have jumped significantly this year, there has been widespread media reporting on it.

I'm wary of those protection policies as well, as they only really apply to your current insurer. If you look to move, you need to declare full claim history, and that will impact any quote you get. That said, I do have that cover myself.