full license - covered on any car


Registered User
An on-going debate---

If you have a full license and are over 25 are you covered to drive anyone's car with their permission?
a member of the family - thinks she is covered on everyone's car....

ususally it says on policy that you are covered if full license and over 25, this is apart from named drivers ??
your insurance might allow it , their insurance may allow it...

there is no guarantee it is allowed
so what kind of wording should i look for??? can't wait to tell them this.... ha ha
Depends on the individuals insurance party and in most cases even if you are covered it's only third party.
yeah i know its only 3rd party, tried to explain that too.... but i was hardly right was i???????

My sister is 30, on a provisional license and her insurance covers her to drive any car.... This has been confirmed as we were sure she was mistaken.
interesting... must take a look at my own policy for wording....
OP - from the info. in your post the family member won't be insured just because they have a license and are over 25 - they'd have to be covered on the vehicle owner's insurance. If not a named driver then they'd have to have "all drivers" cover.

If the family member has an insurance policy of their own then they may be covered by that policy to drive cars not owned by them with the owner's permission. Will probably be third party only or at least limited to a certain level of comprehensive cover (think of the TPF&T Saxo owner borrowing a Bentley, for example).

You'd need to check the policy. It's presumably meant as an emergency measure.

Is it not usually the other way round though?

e.g. My policy allows anyone over 25 with a full licence to drive my car - doesn't mean I can drive anyone's else's car - in case that is the error being made here.

Surely both insurance companies of the relevant vehicles have to be in agreement?

Edit: crossed with sse
From my one of my current policies:

"Persons or classes of persons, whose liability is covered
The insured [me] and any person whose driving is covered except any person in the motor trade who is driving with the policyholder's consent for the purposes necessitated by the overhaul, upkeep and/or repair of the insured vehicle.

Vehicles or classes of vehicles, the use of which is covered 08-XX-123456 [my car's reg. no.]
The policyholder, if they have a full EU licence, may also drive, with the permission of the owner, any Private Motor Car subject to the T&C's of the policy.

Drivers or classes of drivers whose driving is covered
Named Drivers mathepac

Named Drivers Only."

I dropped Open Driving from my policy some years ago, so OP's 25 year-old female relative is not covered on this policy to drive my car, even with my permission.
This can alter (as said above) depending on the policy.

One policy I had covered me to drive anyone elses car (3rd party)

My next one did not.

Another allowed anyone with a full licence & their own insurance to drive my car

Another did not

It's one of the pit-falls of changing policies depending on price (as has been the norm for me recently) - you have to check & double check with each situation. Normally you'd only be covered 3rd party
open driving on a policy is a specific add on that allows anyone to drive the car provided they meet the insurers criteria.

So for example if I have open driving with x company, they will state on my certificate that anybody (for example) aged 25 to 70 with a full EU licence can drive my car and have the same cover that I have (comp or third party).

Driving of other cars is a different thing completely. On my own certificate it states that I can drive anyone elses car (third party only cover). The criteria for this also varies from company to company. I had it when i had a provisional licence and was under 25 but my sister didn't.

In the OPs case, if the car owner doesn't have Open Driving on her policy then the person driving it needs to check their certificate.
If their certificate states they can drive anyone elses car as per the wording in matthepacs post then they are covered to drive the car. If it doesn't then they are not.