Fujitsu-Siemens desktop PC's


Registered User
I'm finally getting around to buying a new PC and favour a desktop over laptop (Mrs. Tallpaul's laptop is fine as it is). Having trawled around, I see that PC World have a Fujitsu-Siemens which seems good value at €1149.

Do any AAM'ers have any good things/horror stories to say about this brand of PC. The 6701MC seems to have a good chip, decent RAM, HD size and software and I just want to be assured I'm not buying a dog...
A company I worked for bought a batch of Fujitsu Scenic T desktops a few years ago and after about a year the hard drives in all of them (yes - all of them) failed. I think that this turned into a bigger problem with the specific drives that they were using at the time and was also the subject of a class action suit. We didn't get much joy out of their warranty/tech support and gave up on them. Could have been an unfortunate incident but it was enough to make me promise myself that I would never again buy a Fujitsu computer. So that's Fujitsu and Siemens off my list!
ibm deathstars i presume

all the hardware in that box looks to be fine but either i'm blind or that pc world site mentions nothing about (in my opinion) the most important part of the pc... the monitor... you could be sitting in front of a superconputer and still have a miserable experience if the monitor is too small/has a crap refresh rate/isnt very clear... go into the shop and inspect it thoroughly... find out response times and stuff

these things also frequently come laiden with irritating and useless software that serves only to slow down your pc... remove it, you will probably never use it

the other thing with these kind of pcs is upgrading them... i assume you are not a geek (like me) so you wont want to have 3 hard drives and other miscellaneous pci cards in there... but if you do wanna do that kind of stuff dont buy one of these, the cases are too small and motherboards usually only have a couple of free slots if any
brian-f said:
ibm deathstars i presume
Actually I think it involved drives of their own manufacture. Here's a link to The Register's story at the time and [broken link removed] to some info about the class action suit.
The motherboard on my FS laptop went within a year of purchase. Replaced under warranty thankfully.
Thanks everyone. I recall the issue of the HDD's as we had some FJ machines in work and they repeatedly died.

Have to give it some more thought...