Fuel pipe in car damaged/Rats?


Registered User
I live in an old suburban park and recently a house was completely demolished and much earth moving work done. A neighbour of mine who lives in the park told me that the fuel pipe in his car was damaged and had to be replaced and he blames that rats may have done this especially because of the construction/demolition work done nearby. He suggests they may attack the pipe when seeking heat. As my wife is paranoid about rats i dont intend to tell her but is there anything i could do to prevent such a happening. This is not a joke! and i would have much preferred if my neighbour never told me about it.
This is an Irish site but im sure the rats in the US are the same type of rats we have here. You can get an electric plug in device that emmits a high frequency noise that will keep vermin away. Plug it into a plug nearest to the car and it should be OK.
This is an Irish site but im sure the rats in the US are the same type of rats we have here. You can get an electric plug in device that emmits a high frequency noise that will keep vermin away. Plug it into a plug nearest to the car and it should be OK.

Who said anything about US rats?
You can get an electric plug in device that emmits a high frequency noise that will keep vermin away. Plug it into a plug nearest to the car and it should be OK.

Just beware that only a minority of brands are able to demonstrate their products have any effect whatsoever.