FTB Buying house without partner on the mortgage



Hi All,
My girlfriend and myself have recently made a few enquires into getting a mortgage. We were advised by the EBS advisor that the best way to go would be for me to take the mortgage on my own as my girlfriend is unemployed.
We put this possibility to the AIB advisor and were told that if we wanted to put my GF on the deeds and the mortgage in the future we would have to pay CGT on half of the house as I would be gifting it to her. Surely this is not the case as she would be on the mortgage therefore paying for half of the house??

Any help greatly apreciated

The mortgage advisor is right.

If you own a house and give half of it to someone who is not your legal spouse, you are giving them a gift and Capital Acquisitions Tax would apply. The fact that the property is mortgaged does not change this.
Thanks, Looks like the best thing to do is to put her on the mortgage from the get go and hope to get the approval!