FTB, advices and clarifications



Hello, my fiancee and myself have been living in Ireland since 2008, we are both employed in the private sector, both with contracts since over a year ago (I have been working on my company since 2009, my fiancee on her company since 2010).

My gross salary is 39.500 € /year, due to working on sundays and some nights, I bring home 2700 €/month after taxes. My fiancee is bringing home 1800 €/month after taxes, so combined we have 4.500 € / month.

At the moment I am saving 600 € / month, and my fiancee is saving 400 € / month. On top of that we pay a rent of 900€ / month.

My company usually gives bonuses in december and june, however since they are discretionary, I rather not count with that money until I have it in my pocket (as a guideline, last year, people on my position got around 8.000 € after taxes combining those two bonuses).

We have saved 10.000 € so far, and are planning on buying a house around may next year. By then we should have 17.000 € saved + whatever bonuses (if any). The houses we have our eyes on are around 150.000 € to 180.000 € .

We have no debts, no other loans (car was on a loan until february 2011, fully paid now), and have never had payment issues, all our bills have been paid on time, never been on red figures.

So, my questions are as follows:

a) Considering the above figures, do you think it is likely we will get a mortgage?

b) If we get a mortgage, should we marry before we buy a house or it doesn´t matter? as I said, we are engaged, were planning on getting married on the first half of next year, have been living together for 5 years and we were going to put both our names on the deed / mortgage, but does it have any advantage/disadvantage being married?

c) What are the steps we need to follow to get a mortgage? I asked my bank and they said that I should first select a house, and then they would look into the mortgage, but since we are foreigners and don´t know very well the system, we would like a "step by step" guide, in that regard, is this assumption correct?:

- We see a house we like, price is within our budget
- We go see the bank, tell them about that house, they check our economy and give a pre-approval
- With that pre-approval, we go see the house and make an offer
- Offer gets accepted, we give a deposit
- We approach the bank again, they confirm the mortgage
- We pay the full amount to the owners

Also, in between these steps... when is the evaluation of the house get done? I guess the bank will send someone to check the value of the house before they give the final approval of the mortgage? When should we have the house checked by an engineer? Is there anything else I am missing?

d) Finally, besides the 10% of the value of the house, 1% stamp, what other expenses may we incur? how much is an engineer? if we are aiming at a house of around 150k - 180k, would 5k € on top of the 10% cover those expenses?

Thanks for reading, and thanks for any answers that might clarify this process for us :) .
i'll offer my opinion on some of your queries

a. you seem to be in a srong position
b - didnt make any difference for me - i have applied before and after getting married
c - no harm just picking a random house and applying for approval in princpal from a few banks - it will give you an idea of where you stand
A) Very likely I would guess. Myself and my partner earn a small bit more than your figures and have been pre-approved for a mortgage up to €290k so I don't see how you would have a problem with €150-180k. Also you are currently paying €1900 per month between savings and rent which should be more than enough to show you could handle the repayment on a mortgage of €150-180k

B) I'm not married but I dont know of any benefits you get by being married for getting a mortgage. The mortgage interest relief(TRS) is the same for single and married people.

C) My first step was to meet with a few banks and try to get pre-approval or approval in principal from each of them. Now that we have pre-approval, we are viewing various houses. If we see one we like and we can agree a sale price, we will apply for the mortgage.

D) €5k should be plenty. I've currently only set aside €2.5k for engineer & solicitor but obviously a lot depends on the house. The figures can be a lot different if its a new build.
a) chances of approval

Depends on the outlook for your respective employers, the industry you work in, whether there have been cutbacks/layoffs recently.
You are both in your current employment for a short period of time. This may go against you.
Your application looks strong on the face of it but be prepared for a lot of investigation by the lenders.

b) to wed or not to wed

How much of that €10k will be spent on a wedding?

c) steps

  • get an approval in principle (AIP) first - no point finding a house that is out of your budget then being disappointed when you cannot obtain the finance.
  • go househunting (AIP's last for up to three months)
  • make offer on property - offer accepted
  • apply for formal loan offer
  • get property valued
  • get a solicitor
  • obtain formal loan offer
  • put life insurance and house insurance in place
  • sign contracts
  • drawdown mortgage
  • get keys!
Sounds simple - it's not, it is very frustrating getting a mortgage these day.

d) other expenses

stamp : 1%
valuation : €130
structural survey (not required but advisable) : €400 approximately
solicitor - €2,000 will cover you
life insurance - depends on health - €50 per month approx
house insurance - depends on house/location etc. - €30 per month approx

Good luck.

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Thanks all for your answers, it has been really helpful :) .

Norfbank, I hadn´t actually contemplated the expenses of the wedding, my fiancee and I want something small and with direct family only, but yes, probably we will spend some on that, will include it from now on in our calculations, cheers for that :)

Both our jobs are on companies that have had no cutbacks or layoffs, from February / March we´ll start looking then more seriously, and we´ll see how it goes.

Thanks again for the help :)