FSPO dispute resolution - loan / credit card operator - complainant offer €100


New Member
Hi all

Can I offer the finance provider €100 money as a gesture of goodwill to proactively engage with the FSPO ?

They have provided the FSPO with false and misleading records to date

Do they not know the Ombudsman's power of discovery ?

I had previous cases against this operator and was assured that they had improved processes and they settled before investigation for c. €2000.

I regret that I accepted any € as I now realise the settlements allowed them to hide the relevant information from FSPO

Many thanks
Hi Mairin,

Firstly you cannot offer anybody financial inducements to deal with the FSPO.

Secondly, the rest of your message is confusing. You will want to reword.
Your previous cases are not relevant.

If they have provided false information to the FSPO, then you should point that out to the FSPO and they will deal with it.

I always recommend politeness and measured comment. Avoid ranting e.g. "The liars. They did not do this. They did not say this".

Instead "it appears to me that the bank has inadvertently provided misleading information as I cannot reconcile their statement x with what they said in document y. "

You do not need to offer any inducement.
Thank you. I offered the 'inducement ' in same measure as they offered me via ombudsman to close case. !

Fortunately- I have all records to disprove what they claim - but I get impression that FSPO is anxious to close off the dispute resolution based without much investigation.

It's all the game - the same provider closed off multiple cases with ombudsman by offering €€ to cases under investigation. I myself was a beneficiary and simple replied with double their offer and the paid up - only problem with that is they don't get investigated or have to improve.
If you have the paperwork that disproves their case it it fairly simple:

Dear ombudsman: the bank has said document x shows “quote their exact wording only”, I received this document y from the bank that said “quote exact part that disproves the bank”. And do this for all the documents you have, don’t provide commentary or interpretation, just the facts. You could end or start with - I believe the bank provided misleading information - but don’t go on a rant.

Your posts are confusing, full of emotional outrage and your communications with the fspo should not be like that.
Was the €2k offered by the finance provider, or was it awarded by the FSPO?
By finance provider - obviously they should not even offer €1 if they didn't make a mistake or have a case to answer. €2000 is evidence of a multiple big mistakes
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