A relative of mine bought an apartment off the plans in London about 15 months ago. He was recently contacted by the solicitor who was handling his legal work for him and a few other purchasers in the development. He said that a couple of other people were not now in a position to complete due to the fact that they had loan offers withdrawn and were looking at getting out the contract. The solicitor mentioned that there may be an argument to be made under this 'Fustration Of Purpose' concept as the lack of finance available due to the credit crunch could be seen as an unforseeable event that has fustrated the purpose of the contract and therefore obligations under the contract could be discharged.
He is looking for money if my relative has interest to get Opinion of Counsel. The cost would be split between all the buyers. My relative isn't going to do it as he wants to complete and has the financing but I was wondering if anyone knows anything about the concept. I hadn't heard about it before and I would imagine the chances of a successful argument are quiet slim.
A relative of mine bought an apartment off the plans in London about 15 months ago. He was recently contacted by the solicitor who was handling his legal work for him and a few other purchasers in the development. He said that a couple of other people were not now in a position to complete due to the fact that they had loan offers withdrawn and were looking at getting out the contract. The solicitor mentioned that there may be an argument to be made under this 'Fustration Of Purpose' concept as the lack of finance available due to the credit crunch could be seen as an unforseeable event that has fustrated the purpose of the contract and therefore obligations under the contract could be discharged.
He is looking for money if my relative has interest to get Opinion of Counsel. The cost would be split between all the buyers. My relative isn't going to do it as he wants to complete and has the financing but I was wondering if anyone knows anything about the concept. I hadn't heard about it before and I would imagine the chances of a successful argument are quiet slim.