Fruit Trees


Registered User
I have a few queries about fruit trees (Apples/Plums).

When is a good time to plant the trees?
Do you need to plant more than one tree/variety for pollenation?
Where is the best place to purchase?
Where to plant them, shade, open space, near shelter, etc?
Anything else I need to know?
Hi Pee.
This is a good time to plant potted fruit trees. They take a few years to establish before they really start to give a good yield.

You need a sunny spot to ripen the fruit well. Dig a big hole and add lots of manure/compost or chicken manure pellets. Fruit trees are greedy feeders.

For plums you can't really go wrong with 'Victoria''s self fertile and gives lots of fruit.

Apples really depend on what you like ... best to plant 2 or 3 different varieties to ensure pollination ... or you could plant a crab apple to help pollinate.

You will need to prune the trees once or twice a year for the first couple of years but any good gardening book will direct you as to how and when to do this.

Good luck and happy planting.
Some friends have purchased apple trees from Irish seedsavers

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One option for apples is a 'Family tree', these are available at most garden centres and consist of 3 or more varieties of apple grafted onto a single root stock so that you get more than one apple on a single tree and they are usually chosen to that the pollination question is looked after with the varieties used. Great where space is limited.