Front Garden Wall - Planning Permisson Required ?


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Is planning permisson required for building a wall around a garden more specifically the apartment complex we live in has a large area of land to the side that is not enclosed and we were considering knocking an existing wall as it's leaning and building a new one on the site boundry. I have seen wall put in the the housing estate without permisson and am wondering if it is required.

firstly, if this wall is not within your ownership then you can do nothing with it... generally all areas outside of apartment blocks are owned by a management company / original developer....secondly, you may build a wall exept or permission to the sides and rear of a dweling.....check page 157 class 5 of exempted development in the below link..,8797,en.pdf

The residents are the managment company and were looking into this to stop kids climbing over storage sheds as a mean to get to a local tennis club, as such i was under the impression we could construct a wall on the boundry of the site as you could if you owned a house. Is this correct ?

a 2.0 m high block capped rendered wall can be built without permission bounding any garden of a house, the max height you can build to the front is 1.2 m..... a metal palisade fence or security fence is not exempt.....the problem as i see it is the definition of 'house'... is an apartment block a 'house'.???.... i would argue that it is not... therefore, in my opinion, any new wall would require permission.....but to be sure, to be sure, contact your local authority and ask them....