Front Door Alarm


Registered User
We've just bought a new apartment, and would like to alarm the front door only. As its on the 5th floor and in no danger of break-ins from windows etc, we feel this is the best option. Any idea how much it would cost (and whether it would be worth it) to have a proper alarm fitted professionaly for just one door? Anyone have any alternative ideas?
You'd be as well off getting windows alarmed as well - I thought the 4th floor apartment I used to live in would be impregnable for the same reason you did, until I happened to catch a young man in a tracksuit climbing very skillfully up the balconies onto the one beneath mine. I ran him and called the guards.

Moral of the story - never underestimate the ingenuity/skill of would-be burglars! Better safe than sorry - prob wouldn't cost a huge amount extra to wire the windows while the alarm company are at it.
Have to agree - it seems nobody thinks anything of someone climbing the outside of a building during the middle of the day and soon exiting with a rather large bag! I would estimate it would cost about €600 even if the building is prewired. Your alarm going off will not deter the thief but merely annoy your neighbours so if you're going to the trouble and the expensive of installing one splurge on getting it connected to a call centre. Don't be tempted by the automated ones which will automatically call 4 designated numbers - if they get an answering machine they will consider it an answered call and will stop calling any further numbers!

Lorz said:
Don't be tempted by the automated ones which will automatically call 4 designated numbers - if they get an answering machine they will consider it an answered call and will stop calling any further numbers!

Not necessarily true in all cases, some require you to press a key (usually the # key to "accept" the call.