From building site to garden



Moved into our newly built house 6 months ago, now its time to tackle the garden, its a 3/4 acre sloped site = big. To go from what is the remains of a building site with weeds and scrub grass to a lawn... where do i start? I got advice that i must 'burn off' all vegetation growing , then rotavate and then spread lawn seed. Is this what people usually do ? what chemical / herbicide is suitable for such a job? Any advice welcomed
Hi asweeney, I am half-way through the same process myself with a similar size garden.

What I did was burn off with round-up biactive (supposed to kill everything), level with digger, rake out most of the stones, seed. Problems: we seeded just before the dry spell last year, so grass growth was very poor. The weeds of course didn't mind, so we ended up hand weeding huge amounts out of this section, and it looked bobbins for most of the year, but with weed and feed this year it's starting to look good.

The problem with herbicides/weedkillers is that they only kill what's currently growing. You then have to rake or remove the dead weeds before you seed (otherwise you will end up with patches) and in doing so, you will disturb the surface and get more weeds growing. If you are living in an ex-tillage field, you will end up with mountains of weeds, particularly sharlock the first year (the seeds can live dormant in the ground for 40-70 years!). The herbicides also don't kill deep roots that are not above the surface at the time you spray (e.g. nettles, thistles, dandelions, couch grass, docks etc all that well) so they will re-appear.

Rotavating will chop big roots into smaller ones (which will all still grow).

Possibly the best method I've seen (which the neighbour used) was to get a farmer in with a cultivator on the back of his tractor who made a lovely smooth surface and then rake it for days to remove any weed roots and stones that you find.

You might want to do the garden in sections (to avoid killing yourself if nothing else).

Of course, the father in law just started mowing when he built his house xx years ago - but that was in the days before JCBs/track-machines, scruffy builders - eventually the couch grass and the clover is the only thing that survives constant mowing!
I'd love to get someone to do this job for me! Finding it hard to motivated to start tackling it. I contacted one gardening landscape business to ask for a quote for this kind of job... the quote i got was 'you can't afford it' . also too busy etc to even come and look at job. (this job excludes my plans to put tarmac on driveway, lay patio area, kerbing, bedding etc). can anyone give a guestimate about how much a new 1/2 acre lawn would cost. definitely underestimated how much the exterior cost!
Theres a company nominally based in Carlow but who travel round the country - you could try them from a price. They do all sorts of gardening/felling/landscaping etc. Very hard working and reasonably priced. They mainly deal with trees but think they would also do this kind of thing - think they are listed as Ford Tree Services or something in Golden Pages but actually now go under another name (but don't let that put you off)