Friendly Advice Needed Regarding Seperation & Debt




like everyone else "im shagged"

My life got turned upside down when the recession hit. The wife left and were going through a messy seperation. I lost my job, banks shut accounts etc and ive massive debt (well by my standards) with no realisistic means to pay it back.
The only asset i have is a joint named house thats over 100k in negative equity at this stage. Everything is snowballing and the seperation is coming on top of that.

All the debt was incurred when i was married. It was personal debt i got to protect at least one of us if things went wrong. Ive a loan on a car she owned, a loan for doing up the house, a revenue loan (they have agreed to suspend that), an overdraft debt, two credit cards debt, and another loan for holidays etc.

the debt would be around 100k. all incurred when married.
she has denied any of the loans are her liability, even though one is for her car and one is for doing up our house. everything was always 50/50
we went from seperate bank accounts, to joint, to then anything i earned paid into hers. im also on free legal aid.

I dunno what to do. I dunno where to go. I dont think ill ever be able to manage the debt in ireland, but the ironic thing is i probably wouldnt even be able to muster up the finance to get a visa and get a job abroad where id command a wage of about 60-70k irish a year.
Im also stuck here till the seperation would come through which would be christmas

Theres a lot of experts, people who have been here etc. Im open to any advice, opinions etc. I dont want to "walk away" from the debt etc. I never missed a payment in my life prior to losing my job. I get the odd bit of part time work to keep me in shoe leather, but other than that i have no way of paying debt, servicing it and barely get by day to day.

can anyone make suggestions, give advice? or even take a stab at wether the judge will put this debt down as marital debt or not
Sorry to hear about your situation. You're not shagged, there is always light at the end of the tunnel and you will get out of this.

If the loans are in your name solely, even if they were paid from a joint account and for joint expenses, as far as I know, you are solely liable for them. It sounds messy to prove you both benefited from the finance.
If the car loan was through a finance option and is linked with the car (which was at the time in her name) you may be able to do something with this.
The overdraft would be in both your names as you had a joint account.

Collectively, €100k of unsecured debt is alot to do on your own, especially as someone is getting off scot free. Your solicitor should be communicating with your ex to try to wrangle something out and you should be going through MABS to try to get interest frozen and minimal payments on the loans etc.

I know what you mean about the visa to get out - it is like a viscious circle, but its good that you have the potential to earn that salary abroad and this will help you settle your debt quicker than you think.

Good luck & chin up.
Don't need a visa to go to the UK - if she won't take her fair whare of paying what is owed then leave don't wait around for the separation to finalise it can be done without you if that is what she wants. The mortgage is obviously in both your names so she should be paying her half. If not then give keys back and look for banryptsy in UK.