Someone I know is now unemployed and in reciept of, as far as I know, around €200 euro per week. She is in corporation housing. She is under tremenous stress because of the large amount of debt she owes to the credit union, and to a car company. The amount going out monthly is too much for her now substantially reduced income.
The problem is persuading her to do anything about it, and face up to the situation, as at the moment she still thinks that a great job is just around the corner.
She is a single parent with two teenage daughters who are both in college.
I have been trying to get her to speak to MABS, and I am convinced there must be some service out there for people in debt.
However she said she went to them about three years ago when she was unemployed before and they wouldn't help her.
Has anyone had any experience with MABS? what services exactly do they provide?