Frequency of filter replacement


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Get my oil and filter changed every 6000 miles or so. Roughly how often should air, fuel and pollen filters be changed though? I'd rather not wait until a problem arises.

Do about 14,000 miles a year - is annually ok at that mileage?

Also, is it correct that a lot of cars now don't actually have replaceable fuel filters like they used to and that the filter is often now part of the fuel tank?

Do about 14,000 miles a year - is annually ok at that mileage?

More than sufficient

Also, is it correct that a lot of cars now don't actually have replaceable fuel filters like they used to and that the filter is often now part of the fuel tank?

Not that I am aware of.

The decision as to when to change depends on whether its petrol or diesel fuel, whether you are using bio-diesel and where you buy your fuel.

Unleaded petrol at the same Maxol garage every time - no reason to doubt it's quality - very popular garage.

(Maybe sounds like I'm being picky about this but have been neglectful with previous cars so being careful from now on)
every 6k miles seems very frequent but I gather you're an urban dweller and it might take 6 months to do 6k miles?
every 6k miles seems very frequent but I gather you're an urban dweller and it might take 6 months to do 6k miles?

Semi rural actually - but only about 12 miles from work/shopping etc.

But either way, yes, do about 1000 - 1200 miles a month. I thought every 6K miles was more or less the recommended for petrol engine oil change- if you want to take good care of the car (which I do)