French hotel looking for credit card details.


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I am booking a hotel in France direct. The hotel has requested from me that I email them with my credit card number, expiry date and three number code on the back of the card. I normally book through a discount hotel websites when travelling abroad. Is giving this info via email safe or unsafe?
If they are going to charge your credit card then they need those details. Sending these details by email (unless encrypted) is not a good idea since there is always a (admittedly possibly small) risk that the details are intercepted and obtained by an unknown third party. Better to give these details over the phone. If you don't trust the hotel in question then you should not deal with them.
I'd echo Clubman above.

But a question? Is it to pay for the booking, or just as a means of securing the booking?

If its just securing booking, then you can give the number and expiry, but hold back the 3 numbers on the back. As far as I've been told, you never ever tell anyone the 3 numbers on the back. Prior to chip and pin, that's taken as evidence that someone has the card in their possession and you're liable for any bills incurred where this number is used fraudulently. But am open to correction on this.
Most website credit card payment forms request the security code these days so I'm not sure that the advice about never divulging this number is correct. And for card present transactions where the payee checks the signature they can simply read the code off the signature strip.
It is quite normal for the hotel to look for your credit card details as in case of a "no show" one night will be debited. I would advise giving the details via fax and requesting a confirmation by return as this will be your binding contract with the hotel. Also be sure and check what time they expect you to arrive by as if you are delayed and do not contact the hotel they will release your room. If it is for a long stay during peak period they may look for full payment in advance. Be sure to check all their cancellation procedures also. Just make sure you get the written confirmation by fax!
gauloise said:
It is quite normal for the hotel to look for your credit card details as in case of a "no show" one night will be debited.

Only if they explicity tell you up-front when you're making your booking.

If it's a telephone booking and they don't tell you, even if it's part of the terms and conditions on a website or booking form, it doesn't matter. If they don't tell you verbally, it's not part of the contract.
I agree with Clubman. I think it better that I phone them. My main concern is that someone might intercept my card details by having access to my emails. Would anyone have a view as to how secure email transmission is as compared to giving card details on a non secure web site?.
Odea said:
Would anyone have a view as to how secure email transmission is as compared to giving card details on a non secure web site?.

Email is the same as sending information on a postcard.

Never give card deatils on a non secure web site.

If you bank with AIB could you not start using [broken link removed] and therefore save yourself this problem. Since I had internet fraud on my Visa card I've used for a few years now.

BTW I prefer not to use my credit card for hotels. I always send them on a cheque for the deposit.
I hadn't thought of a cheque. Would there be costs for me or for the hotel or clearing problems with sending a personal cheque to France?
There is no EU/eurozone wide cheque clearing system so if it is even possible to cash an Irish € cheque then there probably will be charges at one or both ends. What about wiring them the deposit and then wiring the balance or paying it by card when you are actually there?
Yes, if it's drawn on an Irish bank. For 50c/75c you could send a Euro transfer, but you'd need their BIC/Swift and IBAN codes.
Regarding charges for Irish cheque in France, I am sending quite a few cheques in France and I have never been charged anything extra by my bank (UB) but if I am clearing a french cheque in my Irish bank they do charges me however the last time, I used the credit union to clear a French cheque and they did not charge me anything extra
If you do give details over the phone, make sure you ask for some form of written acknowledgement of same either by fax or my experience a hotel is not confirmed until you have this.
Re: bank charges : with BOI you can lodge up to 375.00 euro per day in cheques without incurring charges over this the percentage applied is .25% approx. With regard to lodging cheques in France drawn on an Irish bank there can be huge charges for the payee depending on who they bank with (some hotels may refuse to accept a cheque based on this) and therefore tend to prefer cc or IBAN transfers but with the latter you need to establish who is accepting the charges (where applicable)