French explanations for the common English phrasal verbs?


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We have a French student on work experience - they have basic English but for everyday conversation, and for their own studies, a list of the frequently used English phrasal verbs (with an explanation in French) would be useful for them.

I've googled and can't find much really - anyone have a good link?
These don't give French translations, but simple paraphrases in English:
[broken link removed]

Et voici un petit test en ligne...

You can buy whole books of them (there are about 7,000 of them in common use) — do a search on Amazon for "verbes à particule".

It's one of the great head-wreckers for learners of English; just tell him to keep at it, stick with it and never give up... :D
And I've learned what a phrasal verb is - this site is very educational!:D


It's crazy really - 2nd nature to English speakers but quite annoying and awkward for those learning. Amazingly common in everday speech too.
And something of a minefield for the unwary learner. The simpler the verb ('get', 'put', etc.), the more bewildering the array of possible combinations.

I'll never forget the poor French student I once met who couldn't figure out where he'd gone wrong, smiling winningly at his new (Irish, female) flatmates and expressing his firm belief that he'd get it on with them very soon... :D
'Learning phrasal verbs' could be a bit daunting and disheartening. Might be best to keep improving language skills generally. The BBC website is quite modern and user friendly. english

Reading articles and underlining the PV also helps.