Freelancer signing on question



Hello there,

Would appreciate any advice. I've worked freelance for the last three years and am registered as a sole trader. I was on maternity last year until November but haven't been able to get much work since. I've had no jobs since December and there isn't anything in the pipeline for the near future.

From what little info I've seen on this board about my situation, it doesn't seem like I can claim anything from the SW but I'm wondering, should I sign on anyway so I'm square with the Revenue?

Also, as a freelancer, what would I need to bring to the SW office? I presume I need bank statements, but my bank charges for them (2.50 per page!) and it takes a fortnight too. They can give me a printout though, I presume this would be ok?

Also, I presume they will means test me based on my partner's salary and savings so what would i have to bring on his behalf?

Is there anything else I need to bring with me (besides ID etc.)?

Thanks in advance.
As self-employed you can apply for Jobseeker's Allowance which is means-tested. Your partener;s income will be taken into account in deciding your means. Read the key post absout making a claim for JA and what you need to bring on your first visit. They'll ask you for anything elese you need to bring in when they assess your circumstances.