Free Standing Stove


Registered User
I know there's loads of threads on this topic already, but most are about putting a stove in instead of a fireplace. Our house is 2,900 sq ft and was built 4 years ago - sorriest thing we ever did was not putting in a stove. Anyway there's an open fire in the sitting room, aswell as oil used to heat the house. We want to put a free standing stove in the kitchen. We want it to heat the kitchen and also to be able open the double doors into the conservatory which is just off it, to heat that too, on the not so cold days. The kitchen is 28x17 ft and the conservatory is 17x12 roughly.
So can anyone recommend what stove to get, and a ball park figure. Want to be able burn timber and coal. Just figure we can have that simmering during the day in winter, and light the fire in the sitting room at night, reducing oil consumotion. Any advice appreciated.
I highly recommend a Mulberry stove, i have one in my house and although not a big house this will eat it comfortably and we rearly use any other source of heat even in winter. Idealy it would be great to have solor panels heating water. I do not recommend use of back boiler with stove, anyone that has this and comes in to our house cannot believe the heat from our stove and they don't get same due to back boiler
Ya definitely no back boiler going in - too much hassle anyway. Have you any idea what it cost you?