Kellogs were giving them out last year. Now this crowd are giving them out but only to residents of Dublin, Wicklow, Meath or Kildare. Never seen people from outside the Pale being discriminated against in this way before.
Pales (sorry) into insignificance when compared to other forms of limited (discriminatory?) service offerings in my opinion!
BreastCheck is currently available in the North East, East, Midlands and South East of the country and is in the process of expanding the service [broken link removed].
Its not discriminatory to want to evaluate and treat the [broken link removed] first in a piloted medical service. As screening rounds in an area catch more women, there are plans to expand the age demographic, both higher and lower. This will be evaluated in time.
There are several reasons for the breastcheck limited availability. Its still a relatively new service that needed to be piloted in an area with a chosen demographic and then expanded. Trained staff and proper facilities are essential for this to succeed, the [broken link removed] is rolling along nicely.
As always, if someone has a concern, they can consult their GP.
Firstly youre proving the point that trained staff and proper facilities are required to roll the breastcheck service nationwide, its not just a matter of sending the mobile units into towns and villages countrywide.
That was the point I was trying to make.
Secondly and much more importantly, do you even know what testing was going on at UCG and whether it was associated with the breastcheck program or not?
The breastcheck organisation goes to painstaking lengths to instil confidence in its program and its procedures. Falsely (through ignorance or otherwise) relating negative incidents with the BC program could sway someone in their decision to attend a breastcheck or not.
Anyone with any fears about the UCG incident and if its related to Breastcheck, which its not, can ring Breastcheck on freephone 1800 454555.