free legal aid?

Hi vanilla,would you care to name a good family law firm (or pm me).I am also wondering why free legal aid will not pay for a barrister for her? thanks
Are you saying that a GP in Ireland can refuse a medical card holder treatment?

To clarify; not all GP's can have what is referred to as a medical cars list. In other words the HSE does not pay them to treat medical card holders. Some GP's who are entitled to hold medical card lists decline to do so as, anecdotally, they call into and call out their GP much more often than private patients (Ms Purple has been called out at 3am because parents have run out of Calpol and then been verbally abused because she could/would not provide a bottle of it there and then). Since the medical card payment structure is such that much of what the GP gets is based on a flat rate it works out that they get less money for a medical card holder than a private patient.