Free Current Account NIB-vs-PTSB


Registered User

Im on the move & wondering which of the two are better, NIB's Freebank Current Account or PTSBs Free Current Account.

As I see it, both offer something similar.

PTSB appeals to me a little more, because they have more branches, but I dont think I'm likely to be visiting them too often either way.

Whats the internet / phone service like for both, can anyone comment please ?

Are both really "free" ?

Any comments or views very much appreciated.


Garrettod said:
Whats the internet / phone service like for both, can anyone comment please ?

Are both really "free" ?
Can only speak for NIB - but the Internet banking is excellent - No OTT security requirements, ability to do instant transfers (including payments to an NIB credit card), ability to set up your own recurring payments, ability to make payments to 3rd party accounts quoting a reference number etc.

And yes, it's really free - unless you overdraw, in which case they screw you to the wall.
I've used both and I prefer the interface of NIB's online banking set-up, but there's no real difference.

I've found the branch staff to be better in PTSB, but that's only based on one branch of PTSB compared to one branch of NIB, and as you say, if you're online, hardly ever any reason to visit branches anyway.