Fraulent Use of my debit/credit card


Registered User
I noticed on our statement

  • 3 payments to a company I never heard of
  • Payment to some foreign hotel
  • 2 large debits at different Points of Sale
  • €799 at an apple store
None of these are ours , some fu*ker seems to have bought an ipad. Went to bank who cancelled my debit/visa card and contacted fraud secrion in Dublin. They assure me that we should get it back.
I have used my card online for ebay,, O2 credit, littlewoods etc over the years, but thats it.

How do banks follow this up? How do they know that it wasn't me? IP address?

Really hope we get it back.:eek:
Sorry to hear about what happened to you. Seems to be a lot of it happening at the moment. I had over €600 put on my credit card 2 weeks ago. The Credit Card Fraud Squad contacted me as it all happened in the space of a few hours. 4 mobile phones were purchased (2 Vodafone and 2 Meteor) Anyway I have been refunded TG as it was on my credit card thogh seemingly the Laser is harder to prove. I asked them how they copped it so quickly and seemingly they build up a profile of your spending on the card. I had to return a form last week but I still have no idea where or how it happened which I would like to know as like yourself I purchase a few bits on the internet but maybe it was skimmed at a hotel etc. Good luck
A couple of years ago, I bought a portable DVD player from some crowd in Hong Kong, vis ebay. The CC company were on to me very quickly as a purchase so far away from home, or distant from other uses (authorisations) of the card on the same day, was flagged on their system.
You mention your ebay account. I've had a lot of fake emails from ebay asking me to login etc and insert details. Some of them have been very genuine looking - could you have responded to something like this? I haven't the foggeist how they got my contact & account details. But if I were you, I would go online and change your ebay password and any other vulnerable accounts just in case. Use also a complex passowrd that can't be easiy cracked. I did this last yr for both ebay and Not surprised your furious about this, I would want to deck someone who did this to me.
Was all the fraud done online, or did the thief manage to construct a fraudulent card?

Some banks offer virtual one-time numbers for online use, which probably would have protected you in your case.
Given that it appears that they have not got your pin number (I presume it's chip and pin), you should be refunded. Is it a debit card or a credit card ? A debit will only authorize if sufficient funds are in. It's usually a good idea not to have too much funds at hand in your account for the debit card. A good way of keeping tabs is to make sure you have online banking and ability to transfer from one account to another.
Horusd, I don't rem getting anything like that from ebay but I will take your advice on changing password, thanks.

Timbilky, yes it seems it was all done online, now whether they had access to my ccv no or not I don't know.

Its a debit/credit combined card from PTSB and its chip and pin electo.

We don't normally have a huge ammount in it but its just before mortgage comes out.
  • €799 at an apple store

Funny that,my MBNA card was hijacked 2 years ago,one of the transactions was for an Apple store.

Thankfully I periodically update my contact details with all Banks/Credit card companies,so they were on to me straight away and I informed them that none of the 8 transactions were mine.

They canceled the card and because the transactions were not verified by PIN,I was not liable.
There was a recent skimming device attached to a lot of AIB ATMs - you may have been one of the victims. Also a few BOI ATMs were hit - unavoidable if you are caught out but you should be fully refunded.

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