Fraudulent transactions on 2 of my cards


Registered User
2 weeks ago I spotted unrecognised transactions on my credit card and cancelled it. Didn’t give too much thought as it’s always possible for some online merchant I bought from in the past to get hacked.

Today I got a fraudulent transaction warning on my Revolut and cancelled it. Now I am worried how are 2 of my cards getting fraudulent transactions when I’ve never had this problem before. I very rarely use the physical cards or bring them out of the house. I use both in Apple Pay and online transactions. I only occasionally use the Revolut one. I have a 6 digit secure phone PIN. No one can log into my Apple account without me verifying the device and I’ve checked the logged in sessions.

Any ideas what’s the most likely route here or any way I get more info or other precautions I should take?
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Hi Adelie

You are right to check to see if your computer has been hacked in any way.

But it's also possible that you have just been unlucky and it's a coincidence.

Have you used those cards on Ticketmaster? There were reports last week that they had been hacked.
Just a thought.
Do you use 2FA or other transaction verification methods for online transactions?

Yes, although my bank doesn’t enforce it 100% of the time
How did you notice ? Were you contacted by phone/text ? Are you out of pocket in any way ?

Ditto as above.
Bank credit card I noticed 2 strange pending transactions a few hours old as I review transactions a couple of times a week anyway. I was not contacted. I rang card services immediately and the transactions didn’t go through so I don’t think I’ll be out of pocket.

Revolut card I received a push notification and email reporting a suspicious transaction and asking me to confirm via the Revolut app was it me. As I reported it was not, it didn’t go through so I’m not out of pocket.

So not out of pocket at all, just worried it may not be a coincidence that I get 2 card details stolen within 2 weeks after many uneventful years of card usage! I mean I’m worried my security has been compromised somehow. But it could indeed be a coincidence.
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