Franchise show in Ballsbridge - anyone visit it ?



Anyone see any good ideas at the franchise show on at the moment? Is it worth going to, for those interested in business ? Interesting to know whats going to happen - or at least what may happen in some areas - in the future. I think its on today and tomorrow. I saw it advertised but due to other commitments will be unlikely to be able to visit it.
I was at the show and the only francise that interested me was the Go.Cart Party but this was quite a dear Franchise so I passed on it. Go over to the Birmingaham show each October and you will see hundreds of ideas for a start up business. Keep us informed if you find a gem.
I went to the show too. There wasn't a wide range on offer.

For some of the better and well known franchises requiring investment in a high street/shopping centre presence, initial franchise fee, working capital etc I keep coming up with figures of €150K-200K. I am not an accountant, but, I wonder what levels of sales and margins would be required to recoup this investment (e.g. coffee shop/O'Briens type outlet, signage company) and over what period? Is the market for some sectors saturated? I hear that big operators such as Insomnia, Starbucks, O'Briens are finding problems identifying sites and then accomodating rent reviews and employee costs with margins. Rents seem to be the major issue.

It would be interesting to hear the views of experienced franchisees.