Foxfield Raheny


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Anyone got a view on foxfield, raheny?
Schools/ transport etc
It looks close to killabarrack which is'nt quite as good an area?
It does border Kilbarrack which is a bit of a rough area (and many Kilbarrack residents would claim a Raheny address, so check exactly where the house is!). You do get a certain amount of 'undersiable' youths hanging around the park in the evenings but afaik there is very little trouble in the area.

School-wise you have Manor House and St. Pauls secondary schools which are both quite good. There is a primary school in Raheny but I don't know much about it.

As for transport the Dart is just up the road and quite a few bus routes service Raheny - 29A, 31 and 32 off the top of my head.
I grew up not far from Foxfield.
It is a very desirable area - with a lot of young families now trading up from starter homes.
There are 3 bed and 5-bed houses. Most are 3 bed with garages - so ahev the capacity to extend.
Back gardens are also long.
(The Kilbarrack area that borders one end of Foxfield is mature now - and again most of the houses are now privately owned.)
It is very well served by both buses (31's and 32's) and Dart.
It has a very good neighbourhood supermarket (beside Foxfield St. John Church.)
It is extremely well served by primary schools.
There is an excellent Gaelscoil across from the Church, and also a fantastic Non-Denominational/Educate Together School on the same grounds. A lot of children also attend Bayside National School - which would be a 15 minute walk from Foxfield.
For Secondary schools, St. Fintans(M) or Santa Sabina(F) in Sutton, or St. Pauls(M) or Manor House(F) in Raheny would be the options.

I grew up in the area and choose to move back to bring up my own children. The whole of Foxfield is actually in Raheny although its in Kilbarrack/Foxfield parish. Raheny technically goes as far as the Kilbarrack Road.

There is a great Residents Association which run swimming classes so its easy to get to know locals. I have not seen any anti-social behaviour around Foxfield greens since I moved back to the area five years ago. There is the odd incident around the shops late at night but its no more regular then any other area and I only read about it - don't hear it.

Schools are terrific, there are not that many young people with children around the area and therefore we tend to mostly know each other to see at least.

Downside - The houses we are in don't change hands often so needed an awful lot of work. Also, the vast majority of our neighbours are OAPs. That being said - would not move for the world