


Have been looking around the Raheny area for a while & it is becoming very expensive. The Foxfield estate is lovely but the end near Kilbarrack is nearer Kilbarrack DART station than Raheny. From driving around I've noticed
some nice looking places along Greendale Rd., Kilbarrack Rd & St. Margaret's Avenue etc. and I am wondering if they would in fact be better value.

I mean we'd be using the same DART station/school/church. Is it really worth an extra €200k to have Raheny in our address rather than Kilbarrack.

It also strikes me that that end of Kilbarrack is also getting older & quite settled, and so the likelihood of trouble there is around the same as Raheny. What do you think?
I think Greendale Road is a lovely area. I wouldn't be a big fan of the area immediately around Killbarrack DART station, or of the station itself. Btw-Greendale Road is actually officially in Raheny even though for all intents and purposes it is Killbarrack.
For what it's worth, as someone who grew up there, the postal address for all 3 roads you mention is Raheny - so you would not be paying €200K more for the Raheny postal address.
The dividing line where the postal address changes is actually the Kilbarrack Road - with one side having a Raheny postal address and the other a Bayside one.
The Kilbarrack housing stock was built in the mid 70's - until then it was just fields from Blackbanks to the Tonlegee Road.
The greendale road is a lovely area and the schools have a great reputation - Gaelscoil MÍde springs to mind instantly. The area is far closer to Kilbarrack DART station which can mean the difference between a seat or not in rush hour commuting.

Historically the boundary of Raheny extended all the way down to Howth Junction Train station and in some cases people have been referring to their houses as XXX, Kilbarrack, Raheny, Dublin 5! This has been going on many years, trust me - I remember clearing out the house of a family member who had sadly passed away and finding letters with this type of address format and being very surprised.

Having lived in the general area for a while, and having family in the area I have a great insight into the "goings on" and the trouble that some parts of Kilbarrack can experience. To be honest with you where-ever you are going to live in Raheny you will have to deal with a little of the bad social behaviour, but some areas are hit worse than others. I loved living in Kilbarrack for the closeness to town and my job, and easy access to amenities such as shopping, church, transport, and leisure options. I hated living in Kilbarrack for the lack of fresh air, anti-social behaviour and antipathy that some people had for their community.

One of the first things we noticed when we moved away from the area was how peaceful things could be in our new location - and trust me, our estate can be less than peaceful at times!

Best of luck with your decision, see if you can find people who live on the road you would be planning to move to and get their opinions on why they like to live there.
Thank you for taking the time to reply. We have managed to chat with someone in the road we're considering & he was very positive and reassuring about the area.