Foundation for 7X5 wooden garden shed


Registered User
Hi, Will be getting a garden shed delivered and assembled within next few weeks so need to put in a base/foundation beforehand. I was initially just going to put down a few concrete blocks as a base to raise it above level of the garden. However, I will be laying a patio myself in an adjacent area of the garden and was thinking of just extending the patio area and placing the shed on top. Would there be any problems with laying a shed on a patio (i.e. cracking patio slabs, subsidence etc.) or would I be better off just using blocks for a foundation? Any advice, recommendations, experiences welcome. Thanks EDIT: by the way anyone have an idea of cost of hiring small electric cement mixer for 2-3 days?
you could get one for about 100 weekly.
your shed and contents won't crack the slabs if you put the base in good, 4-6" base will be plenty but since you're gonna hire the mixer then why not put down a concrete base for yo shed?
Hi, You need to have the shed raised above ground, this is the reason for the concrete blocks. Air needs to be able to circulate beneath the shed or the floor of the shed will just rot away in no time at all.

Hope this helps

(The Landscaper)
Thanks to both of ye for the replies. I think I might go ahead with the concrete base altogether.
Hi again,

I don't think thats a good idea. I have put up more sheds than i care to remember and every one of those have been on 4 inch blocks.

What happens is, if the joists of the shed toutch the ground, even concrete, any wetness takes alot longer to get out of the timber because there is little or no air getting to the bottom of them. Also, if the shed is lying flat on the ground, the ground wont dry either so you are left with rotting timber because it can not dry out.

If you call your shed supplier he will tell you the same unless he is just a money grabber and will tell you whatever you want to hear to sell a shed to you.

Your better off doing it right first time round because I can garantee you that in a year or so you will be looking to replace your shed that you spent good money on.

I have put sheds on flat ground when I was just new to landsacping and from the results I saw I wont do it again.

Besides, a couple of concrete blocks will more than likely be alot cheaper that a ton or two of concrete mix.

Call your shed supplier and ask him to send you the plan for how the blocks shoud be placed on the ground.

Kind regards