found my car - but finance outstanding


Registered User
Hello, I am buying a 2nd hand car for the first time. Previously bought new but those days are well gone! I saw the car I want at the weekend and it is an 08. I just checked with and there is finance outstanding. I rang the dealer and he said, oh yes, he bought it from another (well known) dealership with finance outstanding. He never mentioned this last saturday though. He said he would clear the finance before selling it to me. Should I smell a rat? Might be worth mentioning I actually went to see an 07 model of the same car and it just happened he had an 08 also. It wasn't advertised as of last Sat. I test drove the 07 but it was only when I went home I decided to pay the extra bit and take the 08. I will be getting a mechanic to look at it also, dealer has no issue with this. But I am still skeptical about the finance outstanding on the car.
Just wait for the finance to clear, and get confirmation in writing that it has been paid.