found a wallet today,should i try to contact the owner myself or hand it in?


Registered User
found a wallet today,should i try to contact the owner myself or hand it into the premisis where i found it.
You used to be able to put a free ad in the Evening Herald so might be worthwhile to ring them and see if the service is still available. That's how I found the young student who lost her reg fee for college. She cried when I gave it back to her :eek:
You used to be able to put a free ad in the Evening Herald so might be worthwhile to ring them and see if the service is still available. That's how I found the young student who lost her reg fee for college. She cried when I gave it back to her :eek:
I would imagine that the finder has the persons name and address details from the wallet.
theres no address,but loads of plastic credit,i may contact one of the banks for assistance.
I've recently both lost my wallet and also found someone elses. Each time it was the bank that reunited the owners with wallets.

In my case I left it on a table in a pub and the pub owner contacted my bank (using the contact tel. number on my laser card). The bank rang me and told me where I could collect my wallet.

It worked well for me so I did the same when I found someone elses wallet. By contacting the bank you may prevent the person who has lost the wallet from cancelling their cards which will save them a lot of hassle in the end.
Saying that .... he'd want to call to the bank fairly sharpish or they'll have cancelled their cards already.

A day has gone by ... the person hasn't found their wallet so they're looking at damage limitation by now.
Bank is best bet. If u go to Gardai they will have to contact bank so adding an extra contact in. Quicker to just contact bank.
If you lose your wallet it's a good idea to cancel cards even if you get a phonecall to tell you someone has found it and is keeping it safe until you collect it. It's not unknown for thieves to make just such a phonecall, specifically to ensure that the cards won't be cancelled and they can use them to the max.
found a wallet last week on side of road while waiting for someones electric gates to open, handed into the gardai station and got the third degree as there was only a fiver in it. practically accussed me of theft. name and address of owner was in wallet.
Maybe the wallet was left there after all cash was taken from wallet. Having been mugged 3 times and lost all cards, cash, stupid designer handbags etc. - please 1) see can you trace the owner via Google, Facebook, Twitter 2) Contact the Financial Institutes. No other action required.
I found a purse in Belfast last year. The cards were all for a certain bank so I popped into the nearest branch. They were very appreciative.

That's the easiest thing to do.
found a wallet last week on side of road while waiting for someones electric gates to open, handed into the gardai station and got the third degree as there was only a fiver in it. practically accussed me of theft. name and address of owner was in wallet.

Sounds like you were unlucky with the Garda you met with.
found a wallet last week on side of road while waiting for someones electric gates to open, handed into the gardai station and got the third degree as there was only a fiver in it. practically accussed me of theft. name and address of owner was in wallet.

Same here I thought I was doing the right thing bringing the wallet to the Garda station, I found it on a street with cards but no ID. I was brought into a room and questioned about the wallet and what happened the money in it (I don't know if there was any money in it) Had to sign a form then and they said they might have to contact me again. I was treated like I stole the wallet.

Next time I see a wallet I'll kick it under a car.
Best to contact the bank. Did this myself some time ago - similar circumstance. Bank contacted the owner and she called to my home to pick up her purse. Delighted to get it back.